You are here : Sub Contracting > Sub Contracting Maintenance > GRN Entry > Value Added GRN

Value Added GRN


A grid is displayed as follows -



While 'Adding' a new GRN, the grid will be displayed empty.


In case of 'Edit', and 'View' , this grid will display details as per the selected GRN Number. You can change details in 'Edit' mode.


Click on icon to add a new received Item. A blank row will be added in the grid.


The grid displays information about received Items and other details. Following are the fields in which you can enter relevant data.


Item Code:

Denotes the received Item.


Click on icon on the field to access a list of all Items belonging to the 'Value Added' type of Gate Passes defined for the selected Vendor through Labour Job Gate Pass Entry option. Select your desired Item from the list by scrolling down to it and click on 'Continue' button.


Please note that only those Items will be accepted which fulfill the following conditions -

  1. Only authorized Labour Job Gate Passes will be considered.
  2. Only those Items belonging to Labour Job Gate Passes will be displayed/accepted that have been linked with the selected Warehouse through Warehouse Inventory option of Stores And Inventory Module.
  3. IMMS will also accept/display all those Dimension Items for which Gate passes already exist and are Open.
  4. If the selected Warehouse is a Customer Supplied Warehouse, then only Customer Supplied Items will be allowed.
  5. Only those Items belonging to Labour Job Gate Passes will be displayed against which some quantity is still pending to be received through GRN.

Item Name:

Automatically displays the description of the selected Item Code.



Automatically displays the Internal Unit of Measurement of the selected Item as specified through Item Master Basic Detail - Entry option of Materials Module.


GRN Qty:

In case of 'Edit', and 'View' , GRN Qty is displayed automatically as per the selected GRN Number. While 'Adding' a new GRN, this field is displayed as empty.


Click on the field. A grid will be displayed as follows -

In case the received Item is a non-Dimension Item and does NOT maintain Serial No / Batch No / Inward Batch No,CollapsedRead more...


In case the received Item is a Dimension Item and flag 'Do you require Dimension Wise Stock Keeping' is set to 'Off' for its Sub-Class through Class / Sub-Class Master option of Administrator Tools Module and does NOT maintain Serial No / Batch No / Inward Batch No,CollapsedRead more...


In case the received Item is a Dimension Item and flag 'Do you require Dimension Wise Stock Keeping' is set to 'On' for its Sub-Class through Class / Sub-Class Master option of Administrator Tools Module ,CollapsedRead more...
In case the Item requires Serial No / Batch No / Inward Batch No CollapsedRead more...

Before going back to the main grid, IMMS allows to specify the actual consumption quantity of the Issued Item that were used to make the received Item. To do so, a grid will display all the Items issued through the existing Gate Passes as follows -  

Please note that the system will check the following conditions for Gate Passes -

  • Only 'Value Based' type of Gate Passes will be considered.
  • Only those Gate Passes will be displayed that have been created against the selected Vendor.
  • Some quantity of Items issued against the Gate Pass is still pending to be consumed.
  • If the received Item is a Dimension Item, IMMS will display ONLY those Open Gate passes through which the same Dimension Item was issued.
  • If the selected Warehouse is a Customer Supplied Warehouse, than only those Gate passes that have Customer Supplied Items will be displayed.

Please note the following fields in this grid -


Remaining Qty:

This field will automatically display the remaining quantity of the Issued Item that can be used further. Remaining quantity is calculated as Issued Quantity of Item through Gate Pass - total of (Use Qty)


Use Qty:

(Type : Numeric, Length : 9.4)

In case of 'Edit', and 'View' , Use Qty is displayed automatically as per the selected GRN Number.


While 'Adding', click on the field. Now enter the quantity of Issued Item that was actually consumed by the Vendor but it should NOT be more than the Quantity mentioned in 'Pending Qty' field.

Please note that in case Dimension Item has been received, the sum of 'Use Qty' entered for one or more issued Dimension Items should be equal to the Weight of the received Dimension Item. If that is not the case, IMMS will display an appropriate message.

Pending Qty:

This field will automatically display the remaining quantity of the Issued Item that can be used further. Remaining quantity is calculated as Issued Quantity of Item through Gate Pass - total of (Use Qty)


Click on 'Ok' button to save the Used Quantity and go back to parent grid. Click on 'Cancel' button to discard and go back to parent grid.


GRN Weight:

In case the received Item is a Dimension Item, this field will display its Weight for your reference. It can not be changed.


In case the received Item is a non-Dimension Item, this field will display the total 'Use Qty ' of the issued Items. It can not be changed.


Receipt Rate:

Denotes the Rate at which the Item is received.


It is automatically calculated and displayed as -

'GRN Consumption Value' + 'Labour Consumption Val' / 'GRN Qty'


GRN Consumption Value:

Denotes the value of consumption for the received Items.


Automatically calculates and displays total value of all issued Items that have been consumed to make the received item. It is calculated as -

sum of all ('Used Qty' * Issued Item Rate)

Labour Consumption Val:

Denotes the value of labor consumption for the received Items.


It is automatically calculated as follows -

A = GRN Consumption Value of the received Item

B = Labour Value calculated as ('Labour Rate' * 'Labour Qty')

C = total consumption value calculated as :- sum of ('GRN Consumption Value' ) of all received Items

Labour Consumption Val = A * B / C


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